Dynamic DNS

Let’s say you want to access your home network from anywhere but your home IP keeps changing. You can rely on a combination of good memory and good luck or you could use a dynamic DNS service like NoIP or DynDNS, or you can build one for yourself using Amazon Route53.

To build your own dynamic DNS service you’ll need a few things:

  • An AWS account.
  • An Amazon Route53 hosted zone.
  • An IAM user.
  • A domain.
  • Something that keeps the IP updated.

Let’s go step by step.

An AWS account

Not a lot to explain here, just go to AWS and create a new account. It will ask for a credit card but you’ll only be charged for what you use. Everything described here will cost you around $0.5 per month.

Anyway, when using AWS it’s always a good idea to use AWS Budgets …



I’m back, again. And again it’s another experiment.

This article is written in markdown, that Pelican processes using jinja2 templates into static HTML pages. These pages are then uploaded to an AWS S3 bucket that is behind a CloudFront distribution. You can say it is serverless :)

But it is even better because the publication process is as simple as writing markdown locally in my laptop and pushing it to a git repository in Gitlab. The push triggers a job in a Gitlab runner that builds and updates the site automatically.

Simple automated things are nice :)


What is this?

Articles, blog posts, and random thoughts written at random times.